
Kamis, 28 Februari 2013

Daily Updates

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
How's your day peeps?
Mine is just perfectly good.
This week, I:

  • had the good time with my classmates, Scre4m, and talked a lot! We spent our times together and seeing them played Truth or Truth was just too asdfghjkl.
  • got 45 on my Physic test. Bad score.
  • keep singing Habibie & Ainun's soundtrack. Lol I'm not that into Indonesian music uhm but that song is really good. Recommended.
  • did my Math test beautifully. Just pray and wait for the score.
  • ate some chocolate-mint cakes at night. Do I look chubbier?
  • got new friend from "Somalia" ;p

Okay first let me hear you congratulate me for having my holiday this week!
Hahahaha. 12th graders in my school are going to have their Try Out week and school was very kind to let us stay at home during TO. Even tho it's just 4 days.
Thank you!<333

"There's a point in your life when you know who stays forever and who's just around for a while. People change, but so do you. Sometimes for the best and sometimes for the worst. Bad things happen, to everyone. You're not in it alone. People lie, and some people just don't care how you feel. Your heart beats, no matter how much pain you're in."

But it's fine.
Everything is gonna be okay. Eventually.
So cherios! ヾ(●⌒∇⌒●)ノ


I'm enjoying my silent night with blogwalking, listening to some JB's old songs, and downloaded Physic's remidial paper on web.
Sigh. Task on holiday? I got really pissed.

This post ends up with this topic again.
Dear You, will you please get out from my mind? I can't think properly nor clearly.
You have ruined eveything.
Is that really you?
No doubt. Haha. You have tricked me too, right? You are just another big liar.

I'M DONE OK, back off.

And say hi to March!
Be a good month for me darling.

Con Los Terroristas!

"Eh kelasku bikin versi Harlem Shake lho." kata Dewa membuka percakapan.
"Hah? Yang bener??" Ceritanya saya kaget. Pake double tanda tanya.
"Huahahaha oh iya aku udah lihat! Edan kabeh!" timpal Noufal yang duduk di jok motor depan saya.


Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Pas dateng ke acara kumpul Slash hari Sabtu kemarin, kami ngobrol-ngobrol tentang wabah Harlem Shake.
Ternyata, anak-anak kelas sebelah, XI-IA3 atau Ghost, sudah satu langkah di depan. Mereka udah bikin versi HS mereka sendiri.
Pulang-pulang, aku langsung browsing dan...ketemu.

Setelah ku ketik keyword "Harlem Shake Smapa" di Youtube, ternyata yang muncul lumayan banyak.
Ternyata kakak-kakak Exorcist (XII-IS 2) juga bikin.

Besoknya, temenku bilang kalo IX-IA6 (Galaxy) sama XI-IS2 (Excelso) juga bikin versi HS mereka sendiri.

Kalo diliat, emang bener-bener gila semua.
Huahahaha itu yang di jendela gimana caranya coba.
PS: jangan tiru adegan tersebut di rumah. Di sekolah aja.
Kata Noufal, Slash juga udah bikin HS. Tapi cuma anak cowoknya sih.
Lokasinya di kamar Assa. Wah, ga sabar buat liat videonya.
Cepetan di upload!

"Gimana kalo kita Harlem Shake-an pas upacara? Yang mulai ya si pemimpin upacara." - Fafal, Ketua Osis Smapa.

Nah lho, beneran nggak nih?
Kita tunggu realisasinya.


Rabu, 27 Februari 2013

Definitely Crazy

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Please take a look to the video that I share above mhihi thanks a lot!
We made that video on November 2012 and uploaded it on December 7th 2012.
Hmm what do you think? :D



Selasa, 26 Februari 2013

Jangan Panggil Maling!

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Ya, kali ini aku mau cerita sesuatu.
Hari Sabtu tanggal 23 Februari 2013, Slash ngadain kumpul bareng.
Malem Minggu nih ciye. Aku berangkat ke rumah Noufal sekitar jam setengah 5 sore.
Eh pas sampe sana cuma Elga yang udah stand by.
Habis itu Dewa dateng, terus Acho, Satya, Wigar, Ika, sama Dhita dateng.

Slash kalo ngumpul kan ngaret huahaha.
Tapi sayang, aku ga ikut jalan-jalan sama Slash karena...

Setelah memohon-mohon ortu, akhirnya aku di izinkan nonton theater.
Karena...Aku. Nggak. Pernah. Naik. Motor. Malem-malem. Sendirian. 


Habis dari rumah Noufal, saya capcus ke sekolah sekitar jam setengah 7 malam.
Acaranya dijadwalkan mulai jam 18.30 WIB, tapi ngaret sampe beberapa menit kemudian.
I'm coming!
Aku bela-belain dateng buat nonton theater "Jangan Panggil Maling" ini.
Karena sohib ku, Siti ikut berperan dalam theater ini dan jadi peran utama.
Iya. Jadi maling.

Temen ku, Fairuz, si pecinta Deny Darko juga ikut mengisi acara theater. Dia bertugas main biola dan jadi pembuka acara.

Selain pertunjukkan biola, ada juga yang nyanyi, terus yang nari juga ada.
Theaternya jadi acara penutup. Puncak acara gitu.

Siti sukses mebuat saya tertawa dengan daster nyentrik warna-warni yang ia pakai dan ekspresi wajahnya yang "ibu-ibu rumpi" banget.

Over all, jalan ceritanya bagus. Pemerannya juga bagus aktingnya.
Tapi sayang, suara mereka agak gak kedengeran soalnya malem itu hujan deras~
Lumayan lah, malam Minggu senang hanya dengan uang Rp8000,- demi membeli tiket theater.
Akhirnya malem Minggu keluar rumah juga.

Oke. Sekian.

Minggu, 24 Februari 2013

I'm New!

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Just a quick post.
Setelah satu jam mengotak-atik aplikasi pembuat avatar, akhirnya terciptalah beberapa avatar versi saya yang bener-bener "aku banget". #OpoTenan

Mari dipilih....

*setelah merenung*
Ya. Aku memutuskan menggunakan avatar yang ini sebagai icon blog yang baru.
Walaupun avatar yang versi The Simpson juga bagus, tapi maaf aku harus mencampakkanmu karena kau terlalu bagus...


Biar deh gaya pake gitar, biar di kira bisa main gitar.
Pencitraan. #BudayakanPencitraan

Sekian. Wassalam.

Jumat, 22 Februari 2013

Harlem Shake

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Udah liat video di atas?
Udah pernah denger "Harlem Shake" sebelumnya?
Ya. Kata orang-orang sih, Harlem Shake itu pengganti Gangnam Style.
Entahlah, tapi videonya asli kocak deh.
Dan enaknya, cuma 30 detik doang, jadi pas deh buat ente-ente semua yang alergi buffering. Nyengir.

"Harlem" sendiri adalah salah satu nama kota di AS dan tarian Harlem tersebut beken di tahun 80-an!
Video di atas barusan adalah video "pelopor" munculnya banyak video-video Harlem Shake di Youtube.
Jadi ya mereka itu originalnya.

Searching aja di Youtube dengan keyword "Harlem Shake", pasti bakal banyak video-video yang *menurut saya* bakal bikin ngakak.
Contohnya beberapa video Harlem Shake di bawah ini.

Saya cuma mengambil segelintir video yang menurut saya lucu, dan coba aja cari yang lain.

Intinya sih sama, konsepnya kayak flash mob.
Satu orang bakal joget nutupin wajah sendirian, dan orang-orang di belakangnya beraktivitas seperti biasa.
Pas musiknya berhenti sepersekian detik, orang-orang di belakang tadi tiba-tiba ikutan joget ngalor-ngidul jungkir balik salto depan salto kiri nggak karuan dan pastinya jogetannya kocak banget.

Dear: You, the boy who has the sweetest smile ever.
I really want to forget you.
I miss you everyday and I really want to see your face in every single time I have.
Hahaha stupid me is back. Remember when I decided to move from you, I keep say it, repeat it, but I end up missing you like crazy and want you to be mine.
Kinda hard to say. 
You was so sweet.
And care. Oh no. You cared.
Sorry for being rude to you these day uhmm do you realise that I try to be arrogant in front of you?
Because I think that is the best thing to do right now to accomplish my goal: 
I scare.
I scare if I look at you and I might be falling to you for 123746th times. 
Not funny though.

Foto Scream pas Liga Smapa udah ku tempel di buku harian ku ;;;)
Kenang-kenangan ya, kapan lagi juara 1 muehehehe~
I'll miss that moment when I'm being really "me" near you guys!
Terus berjuang!


Rabu, 20 Februari 2013

Lovey Dovey Jersey

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Just a quick post since it's 11.20 PM already and I have to sleep ;p
Well yeah I just want to show you my Science 4 jersey woohooo Scre4m rules!
Brave red and 88 are just too awesome.
Is there something interesting from that 88?
Ah nope. 
At first, I want to have "13" on it but someone was already use it so yeah I chose 88 because it's Kyuhyun's birth year hehehe.

So, how's life peeps? Good? ;)
Well, do you guys ever feel like this---when you are getting bored with everything in your life?
You have no passion to do your homeworks and school tasks?
Hahaha because that is how I feel now.
But I'm trying okay. I really do.
I'm trying to enjoy my own life happily.
All the subjects at school are getting harder and harder but I have to be professional by taking care all of them professionally.
Fighting!!! ^_____^


Senin, 18 Februari 2013

Remember When...

Remember when our eyes met and it made me giggles for a second.
Your smile was melting me down.
I felt something 'new'...
Something that will make those butterflies on your stomach.
After that moment, I think about you everyday.
I don't know what is this but I think I really like you. Maybe.
It's funny when you just walk by in front of me but it can make my heart beats so fast. Laugh out loud.
And then....I see you played around with that girl. That pretty girl.
I feel so--uhm--jealous?
My friend told me that she is your girlfriend.
I tried to forget you. Yes I did.
But it was unsuccessful because months later you broke up with her and you came to me.
Your smile melted me down for the second times.
Or maybe for the hundred times.
I fall in love with you for hundred times too.
We had eyecontacts oftenly.
I love it. But...just that?
Is there something more or we are just friend?
Is there possibility that you feel the same way about me?
Those butterflies?
Those fast heartbeats?
Or it's just me who feels we can make it?

Am I the only one who keeps this love for you?

Well, it comes to the end.
I don't want to hurt myself and I don't want to beg for your love.
Sigh, I move okay.
Move on is the best thing that I can do at this moment.
It's funny when you want to move from him while he is indeed not yours from the start.
Because I'm just too scare.
I'm scare if it's true that I'm the only one here who loves you. That adores you.
That thinks about you everytime.

You are the best thing that I never had.
Thanks for those smiles from your face.
Thanks for everything.


Jumat, 15 Februari 2013

Kuliner Josh Gandhos sampai Mbledhos

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Aku mau ngeshare beberapa foto kuliner ku selama Sister School.
Bukan buat pamer, cuma mau bikin ngiler.
Apakah Anda tertarik?

Rabu, 13 Februari 2013

BUMS Slurp!

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Setelah berdiskusi dan nego, akhirnya tangan saya mau juga ngetik :')
Akhir-akhir ini PR dan tugas numpuk. Yah tiap hari juga gitu kok.
UdaH biAsA,,,,,,,,,HheHHEE,,,

Kemarin, adek ku yang masih kelas 3 SMP, pulang-pulang membawa kabar gembira. Yah apa sih yang diharapkan dari anak perempuan yang pulang sekolah tiba-tiba cengengesan sendiri sambil bawa brosur?
Pas malemnya...
"Mbak! Mau pesen nggak?? Itu lho brosur BUMS ku di bawah." - Adek.
"Ah? Mana???"
Aku yang lagi asyik-asyik twitteran langsung ke lantai bawah buat liat brosur-brosur yang tadi siang dibawa pulang adek.
*mata berkaca-kaca*

Oke, ku jelasin.
Adek ku dan angkatan dia dapet tugas dari sekolah jadi pengusaha kecil-kecilan gitu.
Namanya BUMS (Badan Usaha Milik Swasta).
Mereka bikin kelompok sendiri, terus jualan di sekolah.
Yang diperjual-belikan berupa makanan dan minuman.
Makanya adek ku kemarin bawa beberapa brosur buat dibawa pulang :')
Kelompok adek ku namanya 6 Donkeys HAHAHAHAHAHA.
It sounds....good.

"Dek! Pesen makanan sama minuman dari kelompok adekmu ya!!!" kata Bapak saya dengan semangat '45. Saya dan kakak ngangguk.
Tenang kok, semua menu di brosur adek ku diborong semua.
Yah at least masing-masing 1 fufufu.

Bukan cuma aku kok yang pesen.
Keluarga ku juga.
Bahkan kakak ku juga mesen banyak. Dasar manusia berperut ganda.
Aku juga sih. Hehe.
Sekitar 1 jam, diskusi selesai.
Dan ini hasilnya:

Saya kalap.
Terlalu banyak makanan dan minuman lezat di dunia ini.
Allah tau bagaimana cara membahagiakan umatnya.

Minggu, 03 Februari 2013


Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
It's already 11.00 pm hereeee. I'm just doing my PE task la;
Well, this week, I:
  • failed on my music class thehee jk I'm not that good at playing guitar.
  • saw him sleeping tightly and I found this cute. Ah made my day!
  • didn't do my Math homeworks lol.
  • played volley and the ball hit me four times! Duh.
  • lost in my volley ball games and had the punishment.
  • just made a new Skype account tadaaaa add me on nuharanisav.
  • found out that his smile is one of the sweetest thing ever ;p 
Try to make those lists guys hehe and it will make a big smile on your face.
Lmao. Really<3
Good night!

Sabtu, 02 Februari 2013

Coming Soon 2

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Hehe sekedar mau memberikan info.
Karena faktor modem, koneksi, dan malas, maka postingan SS yang saya janjikan harus ditunda terlebih dahulu.
Apalagi 5 hari, bisa menghabiskan beberapa postingan dan harus ekstra mengetik.
Lagipula ada banyak PR yang harus dikerjakan.
Jadi untuk sekarang, nikmati saja postingan Coming Soon saya yang sepertinya akan the end di episode ke-12838479 oke sob, sip.
Jangan cemberut ah, nanti pacarnya lenyap lho...
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